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The WOT (Wide Open Throttle) Trigger is a performance enhancement device used primarily in automotive applications. It is designed to optimize engine performance by ensuring the throttle is fully open during specific driving conditions, leading to increased power and improved vehicle responsiveness.

How WOT Trigger Works

The WOT Trigger works by monitoring the throttle position and other engine parameters. When the conditions are met, it overrides the standard throttle control to keep the throttle fully open. This allows the engine to operate at maximum efficiency, providing a noticeable boost in performance.

Benefits of Using a WOT Trigger

  • Increased Power: By ensuring the throttle is fully open, the engine can achieve its maximum power output.Improved Throttle Response: The WOT Trigger reduces the delay in throttle response, making the vehicle more responsive to driver inputs.

  • Better Fuel Efficiency: In some cases, maintaining a wide-open throttle can improve fuel efficiency by reducing the need for frequent throttle adjustments.

  • Enhanced Driving Experience: The increased power and responsiveness can lead to a more enjoyable and dynamic driving experience.

Applications of WOT Trigger

WOT Triggers are commonly used in performance cars, racing vehicles, and other high-performance applications. They are also popular among car enthusiasts who want to maximize the potential of their vehicles.

Installation and Considerations

Installing a WOT Trigger typically requires some technical knowledge and expertise. It is recommended to have the device installed by a professional to ensure it is set up correctly and safely. Additionally, users should consider the impact on their vehicle's warranty and compliance with local regulations.



The WOT Trigger is a valuable tool for those looking to enhance their vehicle's performance. By optimizing throttle control, it provides increased power, improved throttle response, and a more dynamic driving experience. Whether for racing or daily driving, a WOT Trigger can be a beneficial addition to any high-performance vehicle.

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